Friday, October 31, 2014

The World Center for Birds

We are proud to sponsor the World Center for Birds of Prey - Larry H. Miller Subaru Boise

The Peregrine Fund's Mission:

The Peregrine Fund was founded in 1970 to restore the Peregrine Falcon, which was removed from the U.S. Endangered Species List in 1999. That success encouraged the organization to expand its focus and apply its experience and understanding to raptor conservation efforts on behalf of more than 100 species in 65 countries worldwide, including the California Condor and Aplomado Falcon in the United States. The organization is non-political, solution-oriented and hands-on, with a mission to:
  • Restore rare species through captive breeding and releases
  • Improve capacity for local conservation
  • Conduct scientific research and environmental education
  • Conserve habitat
Join us during October for Fall Flights
See the education birds fly outdoors, where they swoop and soar over the heads of delighted audiences to show off their amazing aerial skills.

When: 3 p.m. every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, from October 3 to November 2
    Admission: FREE when you pick up tickets from Larry H. Miller Subaru all month long!

Enjoy scenic views of the Treasure Valley in their outdoor arena - with a wheelchair-friendly surface - and be prepared to sit outdoors for 45 minutes to one hour. Please arrive by 2:30 p.m. There will be limited late seating after the program begins.

For more info on the Perigrin Fund: